Name: Turkey Japan Cultural Dialog Society
Abbreviated as: nittoKAI
Name in Japanese: 日本トルコ文化交流会 (Nihon Toruko Bunka Kouryuukai)
Founded in 2006 by Turkish and Japanese volunteers living in Tokyo.
Granted NPO (Non-Profit Organization) status in 2011.
Promote cultural exchange and dialog to strengthen bridges between Turkish and Japanese societies.
Promote understanding and respect of both cultures through common and different values.
Cultivate friendship through cooperation.
Identify and propose solutions to common social problems.
Organize activities in cases of disaster and crisis in both countries.
Any Turkish who is interested in Japanese culture or any Japanese who is interested in Turkish culture can become a member. There is a small membership fee. In 2012, the number of members is around 200, while the number of participants to activities is more than 700. There are more Japanese than Turkish participants.
There is no limitation or condition to be a member. The registered members are increasing rapidly. As January 2012, the registered people in our address book are around 700, and the number of member is around 200. Most of the members and the event attendees are Japanese.
Founded in 2006 by Turkish and Japanese volunteers living in Tokyo. Granted NPO (Non-Profit Organization) status in 2011.
Conferences and Symposiums
nittoKAI organizes conference 4-5 times a year in large scales, and 4-5 lectures in medium scale on various subjects. Distinguished speakers are invited for the conferences. After each conference Turkish drinks and food are served which gives participants an opportunity to talk in a relaxed manner. Following is some of the conference and symposiums that nittoKAI organized.
Conference (1)
Title : “Singularity of Japanese”
Speaker : Ayako Sono (Roman Writer)
Date : Oct. 17, 2011
Conference (2)
Title : “What is necessary for the Democratization of Middle East? - From the standpoint of Turkey who succeeded Democratization”
Speaker : Masanori Naito (Prof., Dean of Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University)
Date : Sep. 13, 2011
Conference (3)
Title : “Declining Birth Rates, Family and Educational Problems - Overcoming after the great earthquake”
Speaker : Kuniko Inoguchi (a member of House of Councilors and former Prof. of Political Science)
Date : Jun. 13, 2011
Conference (4)
Title : “Friendship beyond the sea”
Speaker : Izuru Fukumoto (Admiral in Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force)
Date : Mar. 3, 2011
Conference (5)
Title : “Some Aspects of Japanese Family based on an International Survey”
Speaker : Hideki Watanabe (Prof. of Humanities and Social Sciences in Keio University)
Date : May. 19, 2010
Conference (6)
Title : “Peculiarity of the Anatolian Civilizations under the Excavation Investigations of Kaman-kalehöyük”
Speaker : Sachihiro Omura (Archaeologist, Head of Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archaeology)
Date : Feb. 9, 2010
Conference (7)
Title : “The Foundation of Peace is in Family - Healing Wisdom Learned from Islam”
Speaker : Naito Masanori (Prof., Dean of Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University)
Date : Oct. 14, 2010
Conference (8)
Title : “Islam in Civilization, and Dialogue between Religions”
Speaker : Kazuko Shiojiri (Prof., Vice President, University of Tsukuba)
Date : Mar. 21, 2009
International Symposium (1)
Collaborative Project of nittoKAI, Fatih University, Chikushi Jogakuen University and Seinan Gakuin University
Title : Plurality and Self-Identity of the Asian Community in History
Location : Fukuoka, Japan
Date : Dec. 7-9, 2011
Cultural Exchanging Activities
Attendees come together and exchange their opinions and taste food.
(1) Friendship Dinners
We hold Friendship dinners once or twice a year in various places such Imperial Hotel, ANA Continental Hotel. Important community leaders such as professors, politicians, governmental officials, businessmen are invited. Mainly Turkish food is served with live Turkish music.
We also hold friendship dinners in small but warm arrangements. In the past we hosted several distinguished associations such as, Association of Shinto Shrines, Japan Muslim Association, Taisho University as well as prominent persons such as roman writer Sono Ayako, members of the former Cabinet such as Yuriko Koiko, Kuniko Inoguchi.
(2) Exchange activities with Turkish living in Japan
We organize come together events (wish merry holiday) on special days and occasions with Turkish living mainly in Tokyo.
(3) Outdoor Activities
We organize outdoor activities such as picnics, mountain climbing, trips in Japan etc. 4-5 times a year. These activities lay the foundations for further cooperation between the attendees.
(4) Trip to Turkey
Intercultural Tours are organized 2-3 times a year without any purpose of making profit. Guests can have a chance to interact with and local citizens and community leaders as well as media in Turkey, and exchange views on the future of intercultural dialogue. We also arrange voluntary Turkish families to host the guests with warm hospitality. In these trips Guests can have a chance to see Turkish's ordinary lifestyle. These trips have proven to be of great help in presenting people with a warm and friendly face of Turkish.
Contribution to Society
(1) Support Activities to Victims of Tohoku Earthquake Disaster
Members of nittoKAI run to disaster area to guide relief association "Kimse Yok Mu?" from Turkey at the very first days of the disaster. In the Earthquake and Tsunami disasters in Tohoku on March 11, 2011, NittoKAI did a number of organizations to provide aid to victims. Especially in areas where Tsunami caused big damage, aids such as food, water, and goods for daily life to victims were provided. These aids were taken by the volunteers of nittoKAI on March 23rd 3 tons to Ishinomaki; on April 3rd 3 tons to Kesennuma, on April 7th Minamisanrikucho 7 tons, on April 20 3 tons to Sendai. Apart from these, nittoKAI also provided hot Turkish food 3 times, one of which was carried out by Turkish Embassy and Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (TCCIJ).
(2) Trip to Turkey with young victims of Tohoku Earthquake
The last activity we did for victims of March 11th was trip to Turkey in two groups at different times. We took totally 65 middle and high school students from Sendai and Iwate Prefectures to make a sightseeing trip to Turkey. As you know, needs of people of disaster stricken area varies by time. In the beginning they need food or goods for daily life. But, after a few months people feel a kind of stress and unconfident to future. Especially, damage on younger victims is more serious than adults. That is why we invited young victims to Turkey. This project was praised very much medias of both Turkey and Japan, nittoKAI was awarded.
(3) Support for Victims of Typhoon (Sep, 2011) in Wakayama
nittoKAI did a humble support to Wakayama Prefecture where a strong typhoon stroke and caused flood in several locations in September 2011. Wakayama plays a critical role in the history of Turkish - Japanese friendship. An Ottoman Turkish frigate called Ertugrul sank in 1890 in Kushimoto city in Wakayama Prefecture. In this accident, 587 sailors including the commander Admiral Ali Osman Pasha lost their lives. Only 69 sailors could survive. Local people of Wakayama got together to help Turkish victims. They buried bodies of dead sailors, and showed great hospitality to survivors. It was very tragic, but it became a starting point of Turkish and Japanese friendship. When we heard that there was a big typhoon and many people had passed away and many people lost their houses we launched a campaign among the Turkish members of nittoKAI. An aid of 515 thousand Yen was raised and transferred to bank account of Wakayama Prefecture.
(4) Support for the victims of Earthquake in Van
nittoKAI organized a campaign for the victims of earthquakes in Van city in Turkey on October 23rd, 2011. Many people generously made donations to this campaign. Approximately 3.5 million yen was raised and sent to the victims through "Kimse Yok Mu?" organization.
Contact Address
Turkey-Japan Cultural Dialog Society
Tamaya Bldg. 4F,
1-3-17 Shiba Daimon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0012, Japan
TEL. 03-6452-9965 FAX. 03-6452-9964